Zapatistas and the Other Campaign
The Pedestrians of History, Part IV
Two Pedestrians on Different Paths...and with Different Destinations
El Kilombo Intergaláctico
1. The “ways” of a leader. The rejection of Lopez Obrador by the
“presidential couple” grew along with the candidacy of the Tabasqueño.
With his morning conferences (and the broad coverage afforded him by the mass
media, today declared enemies of the perredista), the mayor of Mexico City went
about making the agenda for Los Pinos...and for the rest of the political class.
One could be in the most remote corner of the country and would still know what
Fox had said (well, when he managed to articulate something comprehensible),
what AMLO had said, and at the end of the day, what the rest of the cast of
Mexican politics said about what was said…by what was said by the mayor
of Mexico City. For Fox this didn’t seem to be a problem...for awhile.
In one television program, Lopez Obrador mentioned he was disconcerted by the
sudden hostility of “Mr. President” (remember that part about “you
have to protect the presidential office”). “Yes he was my friend,
I don’t know what happened to him,” AMLO said. Well, what happened
is that the “presidential office” was now a couple: that formed
by Vicente Fox and Martha Sahagún. And “Mrs. Martha” as her
husband calls her, wanted, and wants, not to be the Mrs. of the president, but
to be Mrs. President.
If it sounds something out of the theater, that’s no accident. In the
daily comedy that Los Pinos represents, Mrs. Sahagún always had the starring
role (although not always the most fortunate, one can’t be demanding).
Mrs. Martha launched her long, and for now stunted, career for the presidential
seat very early on—precisely when only Lopez Obrador appeared on the scene
as the strongest aspirant. But, while she went about ridding the cabinet and
Fox’s inner circle of those uncomfortable (for her) personalities, Martha
looked with desperation on the fact that AMLO maintained position. One didn’t
have to have much sense (and they didn’t in fact have much) to realize
that who would be Martha’s rival if she became candidate for the PAN.
The work of the “video scandals” was the first indication of a serious
struggle to try to take AMLO out of the presidential race. The struggle was
raised to the category of battle with the attempt to strip him of immunity and
remove him from office. If in the videos you could see the hand of the Fox government,
in the “desafuero” [like “impeachment”] their nerve
was unparalleled. A growing citizen mobilization (that Lopez Obrador himself
de-activated) promised Fox a crushing defeat. But in politics there are no final
Meanwhile, Lopez Obrador was constructing a candidacy, that is, an image. Of
course in order to achieve it the privileged balcony of the Mexico City government
would not be enough; in the PRD the figure of Cuauhtemoc Cárdenas Solorzano
still carried a lot of weight. But the Mexico City government was not only an
opportunity to be in the media spotlight, it also meant money, lots of money.
And this tune had a lot of “rating,” among the political class as
a whole, not to mention in the perredista leadership. With discrete agility,
AMLO began “winning” the sympathy of (and control over) the apparatus
of the Revolutionary Democratic Party...and an important sector of intellectuals,
artists, and scientists. For the former, a budget. For the latter, engagement
and special attention.
In summary, everything was going well.
It was then that some of the informational media released its first bait, which
lopeobradorismo swallowed happily: the first polls. As in these polls he appeared
with a scandalous advantage over the other hopefuls, AMLO gave them credibility
and backing. Favored and adored by the press at that point, Lopez Obrador forgot
a basic rule of the puddled territory of the media: the fleeting and the instantaneous.
The media make heroes (“and heroines, Martha adds enthusiastically—I’ll
leave it up to you if the diminutive has an “h”) and villains (“and
[female] villains adds Elba Esther Gordillo), not just in soap operas, but also
on the political scene. But just as they make them, they unmake them. The “mature,”
“prudent,” and “responsible” head of government Lopez
Obrador was at the beginning later became the “irresponsible,” “messianic,”
and “provocateur” politician, and the polls that had put him ahead,
now put him behind.
In the mobilization against the “impeachment,” one could see the
first indications of Lopez Obrador’s “ways.” Although it was
evident that not a few of those who mobilized did so against the injustice,
not because they supported him, AMLO used this movement to openly launch his
campaign for the Mexican presidency. When the mobilization began to convert
itself into a movement (in some groups there appeared a restlessness to talk
about deeper problems such as the place of science, art, culture, and above
all, political goings on) and the Fox government recoiled, Lopez Obrador sent
the people home.
The objective—to stop the “impeachment” and put AMLO and the
top of the wave—had been achieved and AMLO had pledged to stop the mobilizations.
And he did.
Lopez Obrador’s message to the rest of the political class (of which he
is a part, don’t forget) and the gentlemen (and ladies) of money was clear:
“I have the capacity not only to convoke a huge mobilization, but also
to direct it, control it, measure it out...and stop it.”
2. AMLO’s intellectuals. From one part of the progressive
intellectual sector began to arise, as of then, what we know as “cultured
lopezobradorismo.” This tendency would initiate the construction of a
new classification to locate those who moved within or hang around political
Mexico, a classification which can be divided in two: the good (those that are
with AMLO, that is, the “nice” and “popular”), and the
bad (those that are not with AMLO, that is, the envious, according to Elenita).
Whatever criticism or questioning directed at Lopez Obrador, even if they were
lukewarm and harmless, was catalogued as a conspiracy, as coming from Carlos
Salinas de Gortari, from the dark forces of the far right, from the Yunque,
from a hidden conservatism. Now that they are somewhat “tolerant,”
the criticisms of lopezobradorismo are labeled “sectarian,” “marginal,”
“ultra,” or “infantile.”
With a stagnation worthy of a better cause, this sector began constructing a
sectarian, intolerant, despotic, and petty thought. And it did this so effectively
that this thinking is what guided Lopez Obrador’s intellectual “mirrors”
in the electoral campaign, later in the resistance movement against the fraud,
and now in AMLO’s CND.
When the Mexican newspaper La Jornada headlined one of its August 2005 editions
(on the occasion of the first preparatory meeting of the Other Campaign): “they’re
either with us or against us” (something like that), they were both mistaken
and not. Marcos didn’t say it. But the phrase was said then and continues
to be said since by the “cultured lopezoradorismo.”
This thinking (that began to be consolidated by ignoring the PRD’s support
for the indigenous counterreform) encouraged the closing of eyes and ears when
the perredistas from Zinacantan, in the Altos of Chiapas, attacked Zapatista
support bases; when it was permitted that the assassinations of human rights
defender Digna Ochoa y Placido, as well as the young student Pavel Gonzalez,
were managed by the perredista government of Mexico City with a corruption that
later would become routine. In the cases of Digna and Pavel, with the additional
crime of humiliating the death of social strugglers, honest voices kept silent...”in
order not to play to the right.” “Cultured lopezobradorismo”
had then its first triumph, illegitimate just like all those that followed.
If the PRD leaders, sympathizers, and militants, this intellectual sector and
AMLO himself were silent then, it could only be expected that they would say
nothing when the assassins of perredista militants occupied candidacies under
the yellow and black flag.
And that’s what happened.
When someone is silent faced with something like that, they will be quiet in
the face of anything. The phantasm of the “unnameable” Carlos Salinas
de Gortari lurked on all sides and anything against him was considered valid;
everything, even recycling those discontinued the PRD and the
inner circle of Lopez Obrador.
With this autochthonous modality of “unique thought” came a new
system of evaluation, a new standard of measure: the same thing was judged differently
depending on who did it or proposed it. If AMLO or one of his sympathizers did
or proposed it, then the act or project acquired every imaginable virtue; but
if it was someone who criticized AMLO, then it was a project of the “dark
forces” of the ultra-right.
When we pointed out (in “The Impossible Geometry of Power”) that
AMLO’s project was salinista, the intellectuals screamed to high heaven
(they’re still up there, hysterical). But when the head of the of the
lopezobradorista economic plan (Mr. Ramirez de la O, political economic advisor
who, according to some, would have been Secretary of State if AMLO won the presidency)
declared, a few days before the elections, that his proposal would be for a
“social liberalism” similar to that of Carlos Salinas de Gortari,
these intellectuals looked away.
Meanwhile, the actually existing right-wing continued triumphal. Some of their
thought and proposals had already been incorporated into the perredista line:
Vicente Fox’s bad, and badly executed, Plan Puebla Panama would find its
“purification” in AMLO’s Project Transitsmico; the approval
of the “Televisa law” by the perredista bench in the lower house
was a “tactical error”; the minor laws and regulations also approved
by this party which legalized the dispossession of indigenous lands, were not
“so serious”; the promiscuous relationship between Lopez Obrador
and businessman Carlos Slim was “high politics”; the privatization
of the Historic Center of Mexico City was “modernity”; the colossal
investment in the second floor of the freeway that connects to one of the riches
zones of DF at the same time that the public transport budget was cut was an
example of “good government” (and not an omission of that “
first the poor”); the repression of the popular urban movement was “establishing
order”...and the political patronage that was generated and cultivated...“the
emergence of a new leadership.”
Without any indication whatsoever of what this meant, Lopez Obrador decreed
that he was leftist because...because...well, because he said so (well, sometimes,
sometimes not, depending on who he was talking to).
The calendar arrived at May 3rd and 4th, and pain and death arrived at San Salvador
Atenco and Texcoco, in Mexico State. The polls said one had to support the repression
or stay quiet. Fecal [Felipe Calderon] said good, magnificent, that this is
what had to be done. Madrazo appeared weaker and weaker. On the “left,”
the perredista contingent in the Mexican congress applauded the police action
and supported Peña Nieto. For his part, Lopez Obrador...remained silent.
Atenco would be useful if it worked to influence the elections, but the “mediations”
of the media signaled the contrary. “Cultured lopezobradorismo”
complained a little, without the slightest conviction, for this or what was
to follow.
It has also been forgotten that, during the entire trajectory of his candidacy,
AMLO made an effort to be friendly to the business sector. If you review his
pre-campaign and electoral campaign discourses and declarations, they have nothing
to do with what has come out after July 2nd. Time and time again he insisted
to politicians that “there would be no revenge” And to the business
sector he said, word for word, “don’t be scared of me.” That
is, “I will not affect your properties, nor your profits, nor the habits
and customs of the political class.
To not see this you would have to have a very serious myopia. But to see it
and not say anything, you would have to have a cynicism that doesn’t cease
to haunt us.
A time later, now in the mobilization against the fraud, Lopez Obrador said,
in the Zocalo of Mexico City, that the victory of Juan Sabines in Chiapas had
detained....“the advance of the right!” That AMLO promoted this
conclusion which “purified” (and made leftist) those who supported
him—take note and continue—after all, he created it. But that “cultured
lopezobradorism” applauded enthusiastically a stupidity of this degree
was incomprehensible...or else a palpable demonstration of the degree of cretinism
it had achieved. This “detaining the advance of the right in Chiapas”
had meant recycling Croquetas Albores and the author of that famous phrase that
“in Chiapas a chicken is worth more than an Indian” (Constantino
Anyone who could swallow this would swallow anything. And if anything was abundant
in “cultured lopezobradorismo” it was “windmills” of
this size.
In this “healthy” environment of discussion and “high”
level of analysis, the July 1st arrived with “cultured lopezobradorism”
elaborating not just a progressive program of citizen participation (that is,
fighting with the political parties over political terrain), nor a novel proposal
for art, culture, and science, but rather a slogan full of pride and arrogance:
“smile, we’re going to win.” No, they didn’t call for
the detainment of the right-wing (of course now they will say that they did).
They called for preparations to celebrate their triumph (this of course, with
moderation and maturity).
Ah! It was all going to be so easy, so without mobilizations, so without repression,
so without clashes, so without political and ideological confrontations, so
without debate, so without internal struggles, so peaceful, so calm, so stable,
so balanced, so without radicalism, so without the flight of capital, so without
a fall in the stock market, so without international pressure, so without anybody
realizing anything, so without class struggle,
Repression? Well that would belong to the Other Campaign, Atenco, to these,
yes, these “vulgar plebes.” And nothing of this blocking of main
highways, even if it was for a legitimate demand for liberty and justice for
the prisoners of Atenco. When the Other Campaign blocked streets in solidarity
with our compañer@s, the Mexico City police attacked in order to “assure
free transit.” Dozens of young people, majority students of the ENAH and
the CCH Sur, were beaten and gassed on the Periferico Sur, and pursued even
inside the installations of the National School of Anthropology and History.
“Cultured lopezobradorismo” said good, bravo, that the street, the
cars, the gang number 13 (expedited by AMLO when he was mayor), the free circulation,
that the “ultras,” that order, that stability. After all this, it
was just a few kids (and probably they wouldn’t vote anyway and didn’t
even have electoral credentials). That is, as Alaska and Thalia would say, “who
A while later, the mobilization against the fraud, making use of the legitimate
right to free expression, blocked the Avenue Reforma (I think that’s what
it’s called). When the businessmen and the “good people” protested
(despite monetary backing), and demanded the head of the mayor of Mexico City,
Elenita Poniatowska interviewed mayor Alejandro Encinas. He declared that one
had to respect and protect the right to protest.
Perhaps moved by Encinas’ suffering, Elenita “forgot” to ask
him why these freedoms were worthy and respected when carried out by AMLO sympathizers
and not when carried by the Other Campaign, or by the movement of those rejected
from higher education, or by those movements that resort to these actions in
order to be seen and heard. In the “forgotten” of the interviewer
and interviewee you could hear clearly: “there is one law for some (those
that are with me) and another law for the others (who do not support/follow/obey
But the night of June 1st, “cultured lopezobradorismo” dreamt that,
by just going to a ballot box, the country would change. And they tolerated
with modesty, how generous of them, the grateful manifestations of the poor
(“look little one, there goes the doctor, he gave classes to Mr. President
and his son; and there go those we saw on stage, wave to them because they are
going to direct our liberation”), of the indigenous (not of the Zapatistas,
because it is well known that they are ungrateful), of the workers, of the peasants,
of the women, of the young people, of the elderly, of Mexico. And internationally
there would be conferences and round tables. And “cultured lopezobradorismo,”
these ones yes, with modesty and self-control, would tell what they had done
for Mexico... all that was missing was for them to have said it from centerstage.
But July 2nd arrived, and with it, Gordillo. And with her...fraud.
3. The mobilization against the fraud. But, after the initial disconcert
and now that the stage had been set to annihilate Marcos, the EZLN, the Other
Campaign, and all those that resisted to being “purified,” these
intellectuals realized that what had happened had happened. AMLO demonstrated,
once again, that he is more intuitive and more intelligent than the “cultured
lopezobradorismo.” He knew how to play a mobilization against fraud so
that it depended on what he said and did, and indeed he said and did. And so
arose a popular movement—authentic, legitimate, and just: the mobilization
against the fraud, and consequently against the imposition of Felipe Calderon.
It has been said that the mobilization was not and is not what it’s said
to be. They talk of a disgrace, of the blatant and impertinent meddling of the
Mexico City government and the PRD structure, that they were not and are not
what they said they were. That could be. What is without doubt, at least for
us as Zapatistas, is that there was and are honest people in this mobilization,
who were and are there by conviction and on principal. These people deserve
and have our respect, but their path leads to a place we don’t want to
We share with them neither path nor destination.
And our form of respecting them is not joining their mobilization, not to dispute
with AMLO the indisputable leadership he has there, not to sabotage it, nor
to take advantage of the situation, nor in order to “enlighten”
the masses (which are some of the arguments and reasons for which some organizations
and groups are there, although they aren’t in agreements with the leadership
of the movement).
The honest people who are there, we understand, think that it is possible to
convert the mobilization into a movement (with the CND), and that this does
not depend on a leader or the structure of control that was imposed on those
that attended the convention. That could be. We don’t think so, and what’s
more we think that it wouldn’t be ethical to “join up” or
“take advantage of” a mobilization for which we haven’t done
anything, except maintain a critical skepticism.
That said, about the mobilization against the fraud and the attempt to convert
it into a movement via the CND, we say the following:
1) The “conscience” of AMLO with respect to the illegitimacy of
the institutions appears because his electoral victory was covered over by fraud.
It would be another story if it had been recognized that he won the presidency.
2) The National Democratic Convention was not part of lopezobradorista thinking
at the beginning of the mobilization. If it had been, the sit-in would have
taken the opportunity to analyze, discuss, and debate the different proposals
that later would be voted on by acclamation September 16th, 2006. The CND was
and is a form of providing an “out” for the sit-in, and a legitimate
form for beginning to construct a movement in order to gain the presidency in
2012...or before, if Fecal falls.
3) In the CND a leadership was imposed that, more than directing the movement,
was designed to control it. There is not even a seed of democratic participation
in the discussions and the making of decisions, much less of self-organization.
The leadership has its own interests and commitments (although the CND agreed
on the boycott of some business and products, some of its leaders declared that
they would not comply—see what Federico Arreola wrote in Milenio Diario,
the day after the CND).
4) The movement in formation of lopezobradorismo does not attest to a crisis
of the institutions (those that aided and abetted the fraud). If that was the
case, they would have decided not to accept any of the positions they acquired
in the elections, which would have provoked a rupture difficult to control.
The CND does not seek autonomy or independence. On the contrary, it continues
subject to the old political class (today converted into the “left”).
5) The majority, not all, of those in the CND leadership stand out for their
corruption, opportunism, and tendency toward shady dealings.
If on one hand they sent the fraudulent institutions “to hell,”
on the other hand they participate (money included) in them. The negotiations
are the order of the day and there are important ones still to come: the federal
budget and the budget of Mexico City.
6)“Cultured lopezobradorismo” is directing its attacks now at itself,
against those who previously supported AMLO but now criticize him. The internal
disqualifications and purges will keep growing.
7) The mobilization had and has unquestionable sparkle and shine: for example,
the creativity and genius of the denunciation actions against some of the businesses
complicit in the fraud (banks, Walmart, etc); the committed participation of
people from below; the just and legitimate rage against the power of the PAN
and the Fox government, as well as the insulting contempt that some electronic
media (Televisa, TV Azteca, and the large radio networks) show toward those
that were and continue participating in the mobilization.
4. Below...And meanwhile, in the Mexico of below...The honest
people. The large part of those that participated in the mobilizations against
the electoral fraud are found “below”: those that wanted AMLO to
be president because they voted for him and he won; those that defend the right
to democratically choose their government; those that don’t want another
1988; those that had and have a healthy distrust of the party apparatus of the
Coalition; those that challenge existing power and want a change in the neoliberal
system that has been destroying the social fabric and abandoning the country.
Oaxaca. The “below” also erupted in Oaxaca and
took shape and path with the Popular Assembly of the Peoples of Oaxaca (APPO).
The veto capacity of this movement has been worthy of taking it into account
It does not matter whether those that participate voted or not (or if they did
whether it was for the Coalition or whatever other partisan force). This is
not what matters, but rather that they had faith in forces that went beyond
the leaders and their allies. This trust has permitted them, up until now, to
decide for themselves their tactics without ceding to external pressures or
to the advice of the “good consciences.” As the EZLN we support
his movement and try to see and learn through the compañer@s of the Other
Campaign that struggle there. Our support does not go beyond that for two reasons:
one is that it is a complex movement; a more direct support could provoke “noise,”
confusion, and distrust; the other reason is that several times the Oaxacan
movement has been accused of having links to armed groups, and our direct presence
could increase the media campaign that they already have against them.
The Others. Apart from the gossip and backscratching of the
politics of above, another rebellion has been constructing itself at the deepest
part of society: among the indigenous peoples, among young people abused by
the powers that be (including the PRD), among the maquila workers, the sex workers,
among those unsubmissive women that live with the anxiety that their husbands
will migrate north, in the political organizations of the left that are convinced
that something beyond capital and representative democracy exists, among all
those that comprise the Other Campaign, which exists in all parts of the country
and is organizing and inventing another form of doing politics and of relating
to their equal-differents.
The Other Campaign is not what has come out in the mass media, nor is it what
some of its participants say about it, and well, neither is it what the Sixth
Commission of the EZLN has said about it. It is much more than all of this.
It is a torrent that continues below, that does not yet express itself completely,
that exists and reproduces itself in the basement of Mexico.
But also below exist millions, the majority, who do not vote; who do not believe
in the elections (many of them, like we the Zapatistas, have never voted upon
conviction). Those that form part of that Mexico which is scorned and humiliated
(and now “cultured lopezobradorismo” wants to scorn and humiliate
them more, blaming them for the defeat). Many of them are part of the Mexico
of the indigenous peoples, that just a few years ago were held up for their
willingness to struggle and resist.
With the latter, with those that don’t look above, are the Zapatistas.
And we think that it is with them that the Other Campaign should be.
Because some of those from below, those of us who are in the Other Campaign,
already identify our pain and the enemy that causes it: capitalism.
And we know two central things: one, that in order to free this struggle we
need the construction of a social-political movement that is autonomous and
independent. And the other, that above there is no real solution for the economic
and social problems that plague the people of Mexico, nor for the hijacking
that the political class has committed against the participation and organization
of the people.
We, the Zapatistas of the EZLN, as of one year ago opted for launching a national
anticapitalist movement, below and to the left, that would pass over the electoral
conjuncture, where one could be independently of what one decided about the
elections. Now we have seen and learned many things. From those from above,
from the Other Campaign, from we ourselves.
We think that, whether one is in agreement or not with the legitimacy and popularity
of the movement headed by Andres Manual Lopez Obrador, this is not the path
of the Other Campaign, and, above all, it des not have the same destination
of those of us who are compañer@s of the Other Campaign.
We, the Other Campaign, do not look for who will rule us, nor who we can rule.
And we don’t look to obtain from above what is constructed below.
And it is you, our compañeras and compañeros of the Other, to
whom we want to make a proposal...
(to be continued...)
For the Indigenous Revolutionary Clandestine Committee—General Command
of the Zapatista Army for National Liberation.
Sixth Commission
Subcomandante Insurgente Marcos
September 2006